
Changing Paths challenge day 21: solstice

The sun pauses on her journey
Around the horizon
Waiting for you to stop
To look around and see
The beauty of the world

The flowers and the hills and the trees
The sunsets and the butterflies
The mountains and the oceans
The laughter of children
Refaat’s kites sailing on the breeze

The kind old sun is waiting
For war and slaughter to cease
For limbs, so dear-achieved
Not to be shattered by bombs
But to dance in her kindly rays.

She waits for humanity to awaken
To our full humanity
Where we open our hearts to each other
The love shining from our eyes
For all beings, all of Nature.

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Changing Paths challenge 19: Time 🕰️ ⏰

Humans haven’t always thought of time as linear. A cyclical view of time seems to me to be more in tune with Nature.

Many cultures see time as cyclical, or as a set of interlocking cycles: the cycle of the sun, the moon, the stars, the rotation of the Earth, the seasons, geological cycles, and so on. Many Pagans see time as cyclical, and we talk about the Wheel of the Year. The phases of the moon have always been important, as shown by the ancient moon calendar carved into a piece of horn or antler.

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My path

Changing Paths challenge day 17: my journey

Despite the adage that one supposedly becomes more conservative as one gets older, I have in fact become more left-wing. I’m generation X but apparently this is also true of millennials. Good job millennials, keep it up.

In terms of my Pagan path, my goals have shifted towards community building—perhaps in response to the trend towards social isolation.

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Changing Paths challenge day 16: life.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou also said that none of us are free until we are all free. The bottom line is that everyone should be able not merely to survive but to thrive.

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The sky

Changing Paths challenge 15: the sky.

The sky has a huge impact on my mood. If it’s blue with a few clouds, I’m happy. If it’s dramatic, I’m excited. If there’s a rainbow, I love it (especially the rainbow that appeared the day after Ireland voted for same sex marriage). If it’s grey and overcast, then I’m sad. If there’s a beautiful sunset, I’m awed. If I see the stars shining, I’m awed.

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My path

Changing Paths challenge day 14: my path.

I don’t really describe my path as a spiritual path anymore. I think of it as an embodied path. My practice is to notice the beauty in the everyday: flowers, trees, music, the landscape, the sky, food, and poetry.

As The Charge of the Goddess says, all acts of love and pleasure are her rituals.

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Roots and wings

Changing Paths Challenge day 13: Roots and wings

Today’s prompt is a reference to Carolyn McDade’s classic song, Spirit of Life, which contains the line “roots hold me close, wings set me free”.

My family roots are in nonconformist churches but there’s also a strong tradition of loving Nature. My Mum loved Nature and so did her Mum. I feel very strongly rooted in the chalk and flint hills of Hampshire and Sussex in England.

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