Reblog: Ritual style preferences

Reblogging Jarred the Wyrdworker who is writing blogposts using the prompts from Changing Paths.

Ritual style preferences: Exploring a journal prompt from chapter 1 of “Changing Paths”

I find all four styles — or at least elements from them — appealing. I certainly like the familiarity of certain liturgical elements whose symbolism and meanings I can fall upon. Yet I’m not big on “avoiding outbursts of emotion” or embracing a total lack of spontaneity. So I prefer repeating a ritual structure that has been carefully thought out and contains deep meaning for me, yet leaves space for moments from the heart and the interjection of Divine (or human) ecstasy into a particular rite as well.

Ritual style preferences: Exploring a journal prompt from chapter 1 of “Changing Paths”

I think Pagan traditions often mix different styles together (liturgical plus magical, or creative + magical). I liked Jarred’s thoughts about ceremonial rituals to create or strengthen community cohesion too.

Just to note that the ritual modes or styles were originally categorized by Ronald Grimes.

Review of Changing Paths

A lovely review of Changing Paths by Jarred the Wyrd-Worker:

Yvonne Aburrow has provided a helpful guide for people who are considering leaving their religion and either finding a new spiritual home or abandoning religion altogether. Throughout the book, they offer guidance through the process, encouraging the reader to explore and understand what leaves them dissatisfied with their current religion and how another religious path (or even their current one) might address their needs that are being unmet.

Jarred Harris, review on Amazon

I particularly liked that Jarred noticed that I did not try to push the reader in any particular direction; some people might find fulfillment in atheism, or a different denomination of their existing religion, or within Paganism—but everyone’s different. I’m also glad he enjoyed the personal stories, especially the one about leaving Paganism.

Do check out the rest of the review on Amazon.

Reblog: Reflections on chapter 3

Being gaily religious and religiously gay: Blogging freestyle for chapter 3 of “Changing Paths.”

This week, I want to blog about chapter three of Changing Paths by Yvonne Aburrow…

My relationship with my sexuality when I was an evangelical Christian was a complete mess, and not solely because I was gay. For those who may not be familiar with evangelical culture, purity culture is often a huge part of that, and my upbringing was no exception.

Continue reading: Being gaily religious and religiously gay: Blogging freestyle for chapter 3 of “Changing Paths.”

Repost: Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I go? Exploring a journal prompt from chapter 2 of “Changing Paths”

Excellent post from Jarred reflecting on one of the journal prompts from Changing Paths.

Hello dear readers! It’s Friday morning so that means once again exploring a journal prompt from the wonderful book, Changing Paths

Should I stay or should I go? Exploring a journal prompt from chapter 2 of “Changing Paths”

Get your copy here!

Undermining Christian hegemony

I think it’s important to challenge the hegemony of Christianity in our culture and promote tolerance of all religions that want to live in harmony with each other and with atheists. The way to get to that point is not by insisting that we should all read the Bible so we can use it to argue with bigots, nor is it by embracing “cultural Christianity”.

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