
Changing Paths challenge day 21: solstice

The sun pauses on her journey
Around the horizon
Waiting for you to stop
To look around and see
The beauty of the world

The flowers and the hills and the trees
The sunsets and the butterflies
The mountains and the oceans
The laughter of children
Refaat’s kites sailing on the breeze

The kind old sun is waiting
For war and slaughter to cease
For limbs, so dear-achieved
Not to be shattered by bombs
But to dance in her kindly rays.

She waits for humanity to awaken
To our full humanity
Where we open our hearts to each other
The love shining from our eyes
For all beings, all of Nature.

My award winning book, Changing Paths, is published by 1000Volt Press and is available from all the usual online stores. Ask your local bookseller or library to stock it!

The goal of the book is to help you decide your own path by guiding you through the perils and pitfalls of the terrain, and asking questions to help you deepen your understanding of the reasons for your desire to change paths.

Sunrise at Castlerigg Stone Circle, Cumbria

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