
Changing Paths challenge day 18: Intuition

Spidey sense, gut feeling: we might call these a sort of bodily knowledge, but they are key components of intuition.

According to this article, intuitive people have five characteristics

1. Tend to be more empathetic

2. Listen to their gut feeling

3. Take some “me-time” 

4. Live in the moment 

5. Are observant and deep thinkers

I do 4 out of 5 of these (I tend to ruminate rather than living in the moment, although I can be spontaneous).

Carl Gustav Jung identified intuition as one of four modalities of the mind and associated these modalities with the four elements: intuition is fire; emotion is water; thinking is air; and sensation is earth.

I think intuition is a useful skill to develop, and one that is likely to be blunted after being in a high control religion where you are constantly discouraged from independent thought, and gaslit when you challenge bad behaviour by those in authority.

My award winning book, Changing Paths, is published by 1000Volt Press and is available from all the usual online stores. Ask your local bookseller or library to stock it!

The goal of the book is to help you decide your own path by guiding you through the perils and pitfalls of the terrain, and asking questions to help you deepen your understanding of the reasons for your desire to change paths.

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