
Changing Paths challenge day 12: Songs.

Singing has always been a big part of my spirituality, and I love being in choirs. I dream of organizing a Pagan choir again one day.

When I joined the Unitarians (in the UK) I really liked their hymns and songs, as many of them are quite Pagan or pantheist, and they include a lot of appreciation for Nature. They also emphasize the validity of other spiritual traditions.

I like a lot of Pagan chants but I sometimes wish we had more full-length songs. I used to love singing around campfires but that seems to have been dropped in favour of drumming (yawn). Drumming is only fun if you’re a drummer or a dancer. I like dancing for a bit but preferably to instrumental music and not percussion-only.

I like listening to music as well, and I have put together Spotify playlists for both Changing Paths and my latest book, Pagan Roots.

I also have a Pagan classics playlist:

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