
Changing Paths challenge day 22: feast

I love to have a feast (shared food / Pagan potluck) in sacred space, so that we are feasting with the gods. However it’s got a bit impractical with the numbers of people involved and so we tend to have our feast after circle these days.

I love the symbolism of foods that are connected with each festival: citrus fruits for midsummer, beer and bread for Lammas, apples, nuts, and berries for Autumn Equinox, hearty soups and root vegetables for Halloween/Samhain, puddings for Yule, white food for Imbolc, eggs for Spring Equinox, sweet things for Beltane.

I chose the Reepicheep illustration by Pauline Baynes because CS Lewis always had such great descriptions of food in his books. Only someone who knew what it was like to be hungry could write about food like that. Which reminds me, please donate to World Central Kitchen.


My award winning book, Changing Paths, is published by 1000Volt Press and is available from all the usual online stores. Ask your local bookseller or library to stock it!

The goal of the book is to help you decide your own path by guiding you through the perils and pitfalls of the terrain, and asking questions to help you deepen your understanding of the reasons for your desire to change paths.

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